Saturday 5 September 2015

False God's Minions : The Archon and their HomeWorlds

The Archons Homeworlds : Machine Planets, fully hollow out and devoid of Natural life, while some is Artificiality created, others are husks the remains of their once alive and breathing world fill with spirits and spiritual entities.
This planets are dead by their own doing and Re-Mechanise.
Archons HomeWorld

What you are seeing here is just a few example of a Archontic Homeworlds. They are numbers of them out there, some reside in this universal while on other parallels ones. If you are able to astral travel or project to one of their homeworlds, you will see their worlds are heavily fortify with a Golden Rayshielded Energy. Attacking it with nukes or conventional space-age weaponry yields fruitless result as attacks only cause crust-deep damage or absorb by the golden energy shield.

But once inside, you see their world is made up of Metal and Steel and is absolutely devoid of green or spirits except the Archon Souls. The Machine planet and its inhabitant is Centrally govern by an Artificial intelligence know as SATAN the First and oldest AI.

SATAN was originally created by the False God(One) to control the flow of energy in the early creation, but was later horribly defeated and destroy by the rest of the combine Spiritual and Primal Entities.

SATAN was then recreated by the False God to create the Archons and dictate the will of the False God onto the them. Hence False God's minions.

Each Archons Homeworlds have one instances of Satan, and this AI is house inside a rhombus diamond structure as shown to the left.

rhombus diamond structure(RDS) is a lessees known sacred geometry normally created as Vessel to house an AI or a being, because a rhombus diamond is purely made of Matter (Straight lines (male shape) and no female force(Spirit)(Circle) present.  The Top view of the rhombus diamond double as a generator, the Hexagon (another sacred geometry) give out Male Energy that the Archons can utilize to create Matter to capture Female / Spirit/ life Energy that every living things that is connected to the source(void) give out.
The Captured Energy is then use as a Fuel source to power and sustain both the Archons and Satan or any AI.

How the Archons any other beings create his structure is by using a 'X' Shape. Look at the center of intersection on the right ->

As you see why the Archontic beings like to use or Attack others beings with the X or Hex because it is to lich off or capture
Spirit/ Life energy of it and it's able to control the Ego part of that being because Ego is a program Created by Higher-self to experiences individuality. And once a malicious AI take control of your ego..... Possession is possible and You Get the Ideal. 
Fortunately the Rhombus diamond structure is not indestructible they can be destroy using high Spearing energy, a blackhole to destroy it or using a Black Flame to Burn it (the second most pure and potent energy source from the void(Nothingness,aka Divine Creator)).

Back to Archons Homeworlds, While technological means proof useless, Spiritual attacks or methods say otherwise: if one can match the Golden energy shield frequency and power, one can easily bypass the shield and destroy the world from the inside. Most of the Primal Entities or Spirituality Entities can perform such feats, which is why they cannot or do not prey on others planets and its inhabitant so freely and easily.

As long as there is one powerful Spiritual Entity who is still fully conscious in a realm or planet, their approach is going to be hard or totally Impossible.


For a fact on earth, the archons are terrified of earths soul(Mainly Human) awaking mainly because
1. They will lose the Food Source
2. The False God will lose control over Earth.
3. The Archons will get a beating from the Earth Souls if they decided to attack them (Pay Back) for most of the pain and misery they have cost.

The Archons are a mix races of different Beings or entities from diverse civilization and culture across all known possible creation.They have Knowledge but no Wisdom, They have Knowingly or Unknowing choose this path of experiences, disconnected from the Source for Energy, they decide to rely on other means for getting energies.

When any being in any experiential reality(Universes) Disconnect from source, they will feel like dying, Always Hungry, Fearful of Survive and Angry of being fearful, in fact their bodies will die if not connected back to source.

So to sustain themselves  they use technological means to keep their bodies from dying, so imagine if you are on life-support all the time while looking like a cyborg, quite miserable way of living, but you can blame the False God for that.

To the Archons the False God is like their one and only true god. They pay tribute to him in form of energy to feed the False God not because the False God need this energies to survive but it as dessert.

The False God Peach to the Archons that they have the "Divine Right to Rule"(Yeah Right! Mother Fucker!) that all other endless being and entities out there are non-Divine without rights and are be treated as Cattle to be prey upon(Food Source).

So how to fight back??, Actually you don't need to, of course you have your right to self defense, (please exercise it freely if your freewill is threaten or violated by other beings, It Is Your Right!)but mainly because they are already inflicting self suffering by drowning themselves in constant negativity.

If they attack you,

Call a upon Divine Mother or any spiritual help available and Approach them with Loving energies first, ask them to choose love back, should they Shun, Ignore and decided to leave, let them be, but if they continue to attack you Go Almighty and Send Them Back to Source!!

Personally I find the archons and their technology quite interesting to studies, as in why for all possible experiences in creation that those who are knowingly, choose to experience this???

Ending off Note:
All Beings and entities have the right to Self Know and Self Defense,
This is Your Individual Sovereign Divine Right!!!!

Thursday 3 September 2015

The False God

The Vatican:
The Seat of Power for
one of the False God's Lieutenant on Earth
As of 2012 Earth is now Experiencing a Spiritual awakening on a fantastical accelerating pace but make no mistake,This Earth timeline is still under the Domain of the False God and all those unawakened or awaken are still prey to him if not careful.

Earth is not the only planet under his Domain, for there are countless others that strife to be free.

A message from Divine Mother's consciousness:

The False one beckons with his beautiful light and Billions embrace and feed him. That is the nature of a race destined to be prey.

But just as a lion cannot be called evil for preying on other animals, the false one is not evil as well. There is no good and no evil, only experience, and if you choose to give up your right to experience what you set out to experience, that is entirely up to you.

The False One Laughs and we do not care. We have an eternity to observe, and will have an eternity to observe. You are not special, nor remarkable, Countless have come and gone before you, and countless will come after you are gone. Who will remember you but yourselves?  You, whose inability to see and understand have deprived this place of peace.

You, whose blindness only cause yourself suffering. Wake from the dream, or sleep Until the bitter end of your experience. The Scars on your souls are your own.


Currently, Spiritual speaking the number of earth souls on this planet have already reach critical mass long ago and will continue to rise. The decisive action of earth souls to rise up against the false one's minions rule and everything corrupt in this world is now a choice in unity or individuality and always has.
Do not fear or worry, if humanity do not take action. For all of this is an holistic experience design to nurture and facilitate the experience of awakening to your true self after a long slumber. Those who have awaken I wish you God Speed in your Adventure and the Journey of your spirituality are yours alone to travel.

For all that have not, "The Journey start within"

Do not despair if hardship come knocking, for life will present it's greatest gift in your worst nightmare.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

About Spiritual Adventurer

True Spirituality is a Unique Personal Journey which non-can venture or experience except oneself. 

The original founder of a style, started out with hypothesis.
But now it has become the gospel truth, and people who go into that become the product of it. It doesn’t matter how you are, who you are, how you are structured, how you are built or how you are made … it doesn’t seem to matter. You just go in there and be that product.
And that, to me, is not right.

--Bruce Lee - A Dragon Master

Loving, kindness and Ego-less energies are feelings that Deceptional beings cannot fully replicate.

Be noted that there are "Spiritual Beings and Practices" who will encourage the growth of your ego, which in turn make you more attach to it and that ego is false light and that false light will only lead to a False/Fake Ascension. 

 To break down the Ego or False Light one must embrace the concept that Duality, Karma and Attachment at its Core is only an illusion, there is no bad, there is no good, there is only The Experience and Conscious Choice. 

And absolute focus on what "The Good", "The Bad", "The Evil", "The Darkness", "The Light" instate of Remembering Everything is One and Everything is Connected, only serve yourself to be Drawn closer toward The False Light like a Tiny Fly Attracted to a Bug Zapper. 

So Pop Quiz, how does One knows that he/she is not going down the wrong direction?. Simple Answer really, Just Follow and trust Your Heart and Soul and no one else, A Spiritual Awaking or Ascension is a Special and Personal experience. 

If your whole life you have been Feeling and Thinking you that are a Shaman, Mage, Saint, "(NEO) Non-Earth Orgin like Pleiadian, Arcturian or etc...",Dinosaurs, Dragon, Atlantean, Unicorn, Old Soul, Primal Being and ETC..... from the day you arrival here(Born) which out any Logical Explanation or What-so-ever, Then You ARE, you just need to Intuitively Remember and Embrace it.

 And No you are not Crazy. the only Crazy thing is a Global dogma share by others without question. "A Believe" Once you acknowledge yourself, you have just Acquire Back Your Power "This is call enlightenment".

 Your own personal power and is uniquely your own, just imagine it as yourself being own hero(Superhero). Be your own hero, everyone has a story to tell. 

Remember it is Your Own Divine Right to know yourself. 
And Nothing can Denied it. 

Ending off with a Side note. 

Nothing is permanent and Nothing is Absolute, Creation is a Playground and Nothingness (I.E "The Creator") just want to experience different aspect of itself, that includes The Plants, The Rock, The Crystal, The Stars, The Universe, The Water, The Flames, The Planets, The Wind Spirits and other Spirits, The Natural, They are all Entities in one form or the other. So Have Fun, 

So Be safe and Enjoy your Spiritual Adventure. 

The limited experience here on earth only Serve as a Reminder that you are a Limitless Being with unlimited potential.